Workshop IEES "Ecological Engineering and the Urban Landscape"


2, 3 and 4 September 2010

hosted by Waternet


Korte Ouderkerkerdijk 7

link to photos on Flickr

the programme

Thursday 2 September 2010

“Learning about ecological engineering”

chair: Hein van Bohemen

link to photos of the morning session on Flickr






Welcome to Waternet and the Waternet building

Joost Kappelhof


Ruud Kampf

Biotope City Concept: Greening the city


Helga Fassbinder

Principles of ecological engineering and the metabolism of cities

Hein van Bohemen




The green envelope of urban areas (urban green, green roofs and green façades)

Marc Ottelé

The Waterharmonica: constructed nature to close the water cycle

Ruud Kampf

Role of engineers in bridging ecology and civil engineering; case studies from the South Pacific

Andrew Dakers

The role of art to increase ecological and cultural awareness

Jeroen van Westen


boat trip  by Waternet work boat through the canals of Amsterdam

link to the photos of the canal trip and the diner


Tibet restaurant

Lange Niezel 24

1012 GT Amsterdam

 Dutch treat: on own expenses


Friday 3 September 2010:

“The ecological engineering knowledge market for contributing to a practical guide”

chairs: Hein van Bohemen (morning) and Petter Jenssen (afternoon)





Waternet: An integrated water cycle company


Joost Kappelhof




Ruud Kampf

Which knowledge is essential for ecological engineering to function sustainable (Think piece and blueprint of ecological engineering), on the basis of ecosystem functioning?


Hein van Bohemen


on the basis of papers from Ken Gnanakan, Ph. Hunemand and others)

Knowledge market: Ecological Engineering in an urban context


posters, presentations and first round discussion about content of practical ecological engineering guide:


Presentations and discussions in 4 parallel groups


Each working group is asked to formulate general conclusions about their field of interest as well as recommendations concerning policy implementation and research questions.


Photos of the workshop

Request to the participants of the workshop:

Please send your contribution for the coverage of the Knowledge market on this is webpage

to Hein van Bohemen


Group 1


Waterharmonica in a wider perspective



Different contributions in relation to the Waterharmonica concept as well as examples from ecological engineering in wetland situations 

perspective of Dutch consultancy


Johan Blom (Tauw)

Ton Schomaker (RoyalHaskoning)

Rob van den Boomen (Witteveen en Bos)

Jasper Fiselier (DHV)



Anaerobic filter-stabilization pond system for domestic wastewater treatment

Ioannis Manariolis


Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation in Soils and Constructed Wetlands – results of a literature research

Andreas Schoenborn



Sandra Broerse, Andrew Dakers, Petter Jenssen, Ruud Kampf, Joost Kappelhof, Martine Lodewijk, Bart Kleiman


Group 2

Public and private participation


Participatory planning approach; how to involve public and private actors to mobilise support for socio-ecosystem thinking in an urban context

Ellen van Bueren


Experiencing principles of ecological engineering. Living systems as  educational objects

Paul de Graaf


Private participation in ecologically responsible transport planning issues

Harry Geerlings


Public participation and the LifeLine project; case study from Dublin

Kaethe Burt-O’Dea (Ireland)



Sarah Hunt, Thomas Leiblein



Group 3


Building envelope





The urban waterroof  landscape

Stef Janssen


Fassade und Pflanze; Potentiale einer neuen Fassadengestaltung

Nicole Pfoser


The green envelope in urban environments

Marc Ottele


More ecological engineering and green design options in road constructions: The self cleaning road

Marcel Koeleman


An integrated eco initiative at household level at Mysore

V. Jagannatha



Jeroen van Westen, Manoj Pandey


Group 4


The experience of urban ecology and building with nature





Building with nature

Barry de Vries


Building with nature

Theo Vulink


Urban ecology in Stadsdeel Oost (Amsterdam)

Els Corporaal


Urban ecology in The Hague

Johan van Zoest


Urban ecology in Utrecht

Gitty Korsuize


Ecologically sound urban roadsystems

Lisan Dolan



Martine Lodewijk


Nature driven design in China


Jasper Fiselier


Waste as a resource: from local towards international perspective

Johannes Heeb

Conclusions: Integrated ecological design towards urban landscape ecosystems on the basis of the results of the working groups; including plenary discussions

Anja Brüll /Hein van Bohemen


Tea break






General Assembly IEES

for IEES members:

Johannes Heeb





Drinks in the Waternet building



Saturday 4 September 2010 Excursion to Amstelveen 9.00 - 15.00

Hein van Bohemen en Ruud Kampf


presentation  about the Amstelveen Waterplan concept Martine Lodewijk
Visit to the proposed area for application of the Waterharmonica concept to the treatment of the effluent of the waste water treatment of Amstelveen for use as city water Martine Lodewijk,  
Bart Kleiman
and Ruud Kampf

approach of ecological urban landscaping

Excursion Jacques P. Thijsse Park,

a Heempark; first development in the  mid 1930’s, in which only native plant species have been used. One of the first examples  of bringing nature back in the city

 English summary

Hein van Bohemen